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This is the default dispatcher that ships with GuildenStern. Use it by importing guildenstern/dispatcher and then starting a server's dispatcher thread by calling start.

This dispatcher spawns a thread from a server-specific threadpool for every incoming read request. The threadpool size can be set in the start procedure. Dispatcher avoids excessive thread swapping by not spawning a thread when activethreadcount has reached maxactivethreadcount. However, if a thread reports itself as inactive (by calling server's suspend procedure), another thread is allowed to run. This keeps the server serving when there are more threads suspended than the maxactivethreadcount. This design seems to deliver decent performance without leaning to more complex asynchronous concurrency techniques.


proc start(server: GuildenServer; port: int; threadpoolsize: uint = 0;
           maxactivethreadcount: uint = 0) {....raises: [ResourceExhaustedError],
    tags: [TimeEffect], forbids: [].}
Starts the server.thread loop, which then listens the given port for read requests until shuttingdown == true. By default maxactivethreadcount will be set to processor core count, and threadpoolsize twice that. If you a running lots of servers, or if this server is not under a heavy load, these numbers can be lowered.